Welcome home, friend! Here at the Root and the Fruit, we are absurdly passionate about healthy spiritual growth. We delve into all things related to Christ, the Church, and fresh perspectives when reading the Bible. First, the Root: We deal with what lurks beneath the surface. These are the areas in our life that are hidden to others, but which we know need transformation. Secondly, the Fruit: We discuss what tangible actions we will need take to display stronger evidence of our authentic faith. You will leave challenged, encouraged, and walking deeper with Christ than ever before. Let’s go!
The Bible is described as the Sword of the Spirit. But how do you use a weapon that you don’t know? Not only that, Jesus Himself is The Word. To know The Word is to know Him. When put this way, it becomes very clear how critical it is to know the Bible. I’ve made it easy! These episodes are 5 minutes, set to a simple song, which you can play throughout your week. Memorize a new Bible verse EVERY week. Watch your spiritual life transform through the power of the Holy Spirit!He will use this Word in your daily life IF you know it!!! Deepen your faith. These are the key to spiritual growth.